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Make up in the tube, London 2015
Today I start writing about my journey in Photography. My name is Flavia and I am a London based photographer. I am currently studying at UAL, Graduate Diploma in Photography. I went through the gates being an amateur, now I think and dream photography all day (and night) long.
I am starting this blog as a diary, trying to make order in my everyday experiences and sharing my own thoughts and findings.
This blog will contain all ideas, projects and works in progress. It is meant to show my mental and creative processes approaching photography issues. I have always been convinced that photography does not need explanation at all, that photographs (as good photographs) should be able to speak for themselves. This is slightly changing with time. I now feel that being able to talk about photographs is a plus and an invaluable skill for anyone approaching photography. I am not very good at explaining myself with words and, I think, this is the reasons why I approached photography and why it is so fascinating to me.
Now, I have to admit, although I still think that good photography does not need so much explanation, I see visual analysis as a very useful instrument to understand better the process behind a photo. I am naturally forcing myself to read deeper, ask many questions and guessing the answers towards a better understanding.

My interests in photography are in portraiture, black and white and street photography. I love alternative processes. After one month at University, things are changing a bit. I am now keen to explore many different fields, such as fashion photography and commercial. I am very curious about which direction my photography will go from now 'till the end of the course.

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